Here's a set of definitions that I've come up with in relation to what are said to be the passions of the nation :-
Cricket - A 12-hour "sport" played by 11 of our own breeds against 11 foreign breeds and watched by approximately 1 billion people on the minimum, leading to a total loss of an estimated 12 billion man-hours of work. It was willingly played in either our land or their land, but now seems to be moving towards no-man's land.
Bollywood - An enterprise controlled by a set of families, whose sons and daughters and grandsons and granddaughters will automatically inherit their legacy, irrespective of being talented or not, and will churn money out of the pockets of a billion so-called "fans" to break their own bread, and that too on a silver platter.
Superstars - People conceived as "special", but their only basic contribution apart from Income Tax(which I am not certain about each and everyone of them) is adding to the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor.
More later.....
5 weeks ago
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