With the nation's sexiest exam coming up and with 2.5 lakh more human heads set to roll, I am awaiting my debut. The Common Admission Test, conducted by the IIMs, takes place on November 18th and the tension is building up.
I don't know if I am a cent percent prepared to give the toughest exam in Asia, but I am looking and dreaming for the other side of this 2.5 hour odyssey - A life to cherish. It would be awesome to get in. But it is also one of the toughest things to do in our lives.
Greatness awaits people who can put the pencil marks on the right circles and steer ahead of thousands of similar others. And this greatness brings in honour and admiration. Who doesn't like that, damn it.....
PS: The dog in the headline meant that you have to study like a dog. Hey, what does that mean now?
1 week ago